Put me in the dirt, let me dream with the stars || #3 ||

Walking down the boulevard of broken dreams,
the stars of everyone else’s expectations shone high and bright blinding me.
Moist cheeks went unnoticed.
Trembling protests hidden beneath a ghost of smile,
which passed into oblivion every time I turned away.

Hiding underneath the anthologies of my blue future,
how would you know that my assassinated dreams had filled me with a kind of explainable pain that ran deeper than my ink on paper.
Walking on the edge of calculated lunacy,
I was embracing madmen’s hysteria.
Camouflaging my unresolved problems under reckless behaviour,
and a voice loud enough to silence the noise inside me.

I was thriving a feeling of malice towards myself;
sinking deeper than Hades’ darkness of Hell.

Wishing if someone would
Put me in the dirt, let me dream with the stars,
maybe then I could save my dreams from the demons of expectations.
Maybe then, I could possibly save me from myself.



Muse: R.I.P. 2 My Youth by The Neighborhood 

Suggestion Courtesy: Kanishk Sharma

Follow this MemeLord on instagram with a super aesthetic feed : @kanishkkksharma 


Stay tuned for more posts this June & July!

Read. Smile. Shine.

Until Next Time

Au Revoir ❤

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Mommy's PerkyWarrior says:

    Superb read…😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Manjima says:

      Thank you so much! ❤


    1. Manjima says:

      Hey! ❤
      I have been so inactive lately but thank you so much !
      I'll surely do this !


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